Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Gorilla Al

Yep, that's a gorilla you saw today on the streets of Great Falls. His name is Al, he's wearing a sports coat and he's delivering homemade beer and root beer to Allegra's busiest customers. In case you missed it - here's a picture.

Why a gorilla you might ask? Well we really wanted a guerilla marketing campaign started for the new year but we thought - the world has enough violence already! So we went with a gorilla marketing campaign instead - smart ay? Unless he gets arrested first you'll see him popping up around Great Falls for the next few months - and everytime you see him you've got a chance at winning a buck - just answer his flashcard questions correctly and voila - you've won the dollar lottery!

and as if that's not enough for the new year (and by gosh it sure should be) we've also provided to our customers, free of charge the top 9 New Year's Resolutions for Allegra Customers in '09

9. Find out what the acromym VDP stands for

8. Participate in the "who can be Allegra's #1 customer" upcoming contest

7. Frequently visit this blog

6. Try to get my Allegra marketing person to quit using so many acronym's

5. Visit the new Allegra office (Feb. '09 - if the contractor's on time)

4. Get them to deliver beer (or the root version) more than just once a year

3. Find out if one of the Tronson bros. really has an Allegra tattoo

2. Inquire as to who was wearing that damn gorilla outfit

and the #1 resolution for Allegra Customers in '09

1. WIN THAT "I'm the #1 Allegra Customer" CONTEST!!!


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