Friday, July 17, 2009

phew - we mussta been busy! the last post was March 23rd, are you kiddin' me?

Here's whats been going on at Allegra since that illustrious move - work - and lots of it - we've been busy, which is encouraging in this economy. Tooting our own horn, in addition to being painful, is not usually something we like to do much of but occasionally an exception has to be made to all rules. We are growing! Most of you know we're part of a nationwide franchise system so we get reports from - well, the whole nation and not many are growing - make that next to no one and we are. Reports of business down by 30, 40 even 50% are filtering throught the network

so ...

we have some love to give out

#1 - We love our customers - they keep trusting us with their communication needs and that's just COOL!

#2 - We love Great Falls - not that we don't love Bozeman and Missoula and Kalispell but here in the Falls we are just kinda steady - no rocket on the way up, more like an old Ford climbing the hill but is sure nice in this economy to not have to face that trip down don't ya think?

#3 - We love our employees 'cause they like their jobs, they like our customers and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the relationships we've built continue. That's just COOL too!

#4 - We love summer's in Montana - lake's to boat on, courses to golf on, river's to drift on, national park's to hike in - people fly here from all over the world to enjoy this stuff in our backyard - again, that's just plain COOL!

and lastly, we love our new building and we want to show it off


so ... save the date of Thursday, August 13th for our Grand Opening Party. We'll be grilling some dogs and some salmon, we'll be providing some beers and Albarino, we'll show you our old presses and our new shiny printers but mostly we'll be saying THANKS to all of you for sending business our way - watch for the invitations comning to a mailbox near you
